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Friday, March 14, 2025 6:52 GMT
Mostafa Ayati, Director of Transit Bureau of Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA), has been elected for the third consecutive time as a member of the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB), the portal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) announced. TIR Convention is one of the most successful international transport conventions and is so far the only universal Customs transit system in existence. The new TIRExB members were elected during the 74th session of the TIR Administrative Committee that took place on 11 February in Geneva for its term of office for the years 2021-2022. Along with Mostafa Ayati, the European Commission (EC), Austria, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Italy, Uzbekistan, and the Netherlands are also represented at the TIRExB that supervises and provides support in the application of the TIR procedure at the national and international levels.According to the TIR Carnet section of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), Ayati’s election for the third time has been a result of successful cooperation between the private sector and the IRICA. Ayati also represented Iran from 2019 to 2021 at the TIRExB which is a subsidiary body of the TIR Administrative Committee that works under the UNECE. The Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975) facilitates goods transit between 77 countries that have joined it. The convention covers Europe, Central Asia, West Asia, and even South America. The convention is so far the only universal customs transit system in existence, according to the UNECE. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe believes this global customs transit system reduces cross-border transport time by up to 80% and cuts down costs by up to 38%.To cover the customs duties and taxes at risk throughout the journey, the convention has established an international guaranteeing chain which is managed by the International Road Transport Union (IRU). IRU is also responsible for the printing and distribution of the so-called TIR Carnet, which serves both as international customs document and proof of guarantee. - Tehran Times